Product: Nerf Doomlands Impact Zone Desolator
Ammo Capacity: 10 Nerf Darts
Best Attack Position: Mid Range
Overall Rating: 90 Out Of 100
What Is The Nerf Doomlands Impact Zone Desolator?
The Nerf Doomlands Impact Zone Desolator is part of the Nerf Doomlands Series, where you are now part of a Nerf Apocolypic World where you must do what ever necessary to survive! Get your friends and get your Doomlands Nerf Guns, you never know what is out there! You also don’t know who to trust in the Doomlands, do you have some way to test them? Desolate them if they do anything funny!
The Nerf Doomlands Impact Zone Desolator is a fully semiautomatic Nerf Gun with a 10 Nerf Dart banana clip that requires 4 AA batteries to fire. This 10 Nerf Dart clip is unique to The Nerf Doomlands Impact Zone Desolator but still works with other Nerf Guns!
Warm up your motor and pull the trigger over and over to desolate your target that didn’t earn your trust!
How To Use:
- Remove Battery Cover
- Insert 4 AA Batteries / Close Cover
- Load 10 Nerf Darts Into The Banana Clip
- Insert Banana Clip Into The Desolator
- Find Your Target You Want To Desolate
- Hold Down The Lower Trigger To Warm Up The Motor
- Pull The Trigger To Fire 1 Nerf Dart Over and Over (Up To 10)
- Repeat 5-7 Until Reload Required
*For Best Performance, Batteries Need To Be Changed When Lack Of Power Is Noticed
Pros Vs Cons

- Automatic
- Transparent Side Cover
- Jam Door
- Unique Clip
- Clip Release
The Nerf Doomlands Impact Zone Desolator is a fully semiautomatic Nerf Gun that fires 10 Nerf Darts. I really like the signature transparent side cover firing mechanism of the Nerf Doomlands Series because it allows you to see what’s happening on the inside, and you can know if it ever breaks, don’t break it! Respect and grow your Nerf arsenal!
Aside from the transparent side cover, The Nerf Doomlands Impact Zone Desolator has a top Jam Door that is also transparent that allows you to easily remove any jammed Nerf Darts and get back to the action! Watch out for nonofficial Nerf Darts, they will cause more jams leading to more jams!
The Nerf Doomlands Impact Zone Desolator also has a unique clip that looks awesome and has a white spring loader and extra white tip design on the bottom. This clip releases very easily, this can be a pro or a con, if you are on the run and hit the clip release, the clip will fall right out and might fly off somewhere, the clip release is directly across from the lower motor trigger, just be aware. I am just saying, the clip will fall right out when you hit the clip release, only hit it when you are ready to grab it and throw in another!
Who Is The Nerf Doomlands Impact Zone Desolator For?
The Doomlands Series Nerf Guns are rated for ages 8+, however, I am a believer that if the younger ones can actually hold one and have proper target and safety training, Nerf Guns can be enjoyed by the whole family! Nerf Gun Fun For All! Parents, if you think you kids are ready for the Nerf Doomlands, make sure they are ready before you all them to go in!
When you find yourself in The Nerf Doomlands, you never know what will be waiting behind the next corner. You will need something to defend yourself with! The Nerf Doomlands Impact Zone Desolator is perfect for taking out groups, or going overkill on one Doomlands beast! You get 10 semiautomatic Nerf Darts, take out the target and continue on, consider looking into Nerf AccuStrike Darts for improved accuracy!
For A Competitive Nerf Warrior, I would say The Nerf Doomlands Impact Zone Desolator would be a great Nerf Gun for a Nerf War! You get 10 semiautomatic Nerf Darts, the same way you can take out a group of Doomlands beasts, you can take out a group of the opposite team! The clip is easy to remove, just don’t lose it Mid Nerf Combat, you’ll have to switch to your secondary while you hunt down your clip for your Desolator.
Is The Nerf Doomlands Impact Zone Desolator Worth The Price?
Before I Make Any Purchase, I Always Have To Ask…
Designed to take out creatures created by The New Nerf Apocoyltic World, The Nerf Doomlands Impact Zone Desolator is semiautomatic motorized Nerf Gun with a pretty unique clip, that honestly looks awesome, and holds 10 Nerf Darts. You can take down a whole group, or draw them out one at a time, The Nerf Doomlands Impact Zone Desolator is pretty versatile and can be used for an assortment of tasks.
From The Nerf Doomlands Series, Semiautomatic, Powerful versatile and comes with 10 Nerf Darts that fit into a unique clip made just for The Nerf Doomlands Impact Zone Desolator but still usable with other Nerf Guns, I think The Nerf Doomlands Impact Zone Desolator is awesome and very helpful in many situations!
Yes, I Say The Nerf Doomlands Impact Zone Desolator Is Worth The Price.
My Final Opinion Of The Nerf Doomlands Impact Zone Desolator
I really like the theme of the whole Nerf Doomlands Series, you are in a chaotic world with new creatures that can be anywhere… On top of that, there are also people surviving just like you, but will you fire at each other or join forces? Use your way of testing other survivors and desolate them if they try anything funky.
My final opinion of The Nerf Doomlands Impact Zone Desolator is this has an awesome design, if you bring this with you anywhere, you are sure to catch the eye of a lot of people. Even more awesomeness, you get 10 semiautomatic shots with just the hold of the motor trigger and repeat squeeze of firing trigger because of the 4 AA batteries. AA’s are not that heavy, but make sure you always have a fresh set!
If you happen to find yourself in The Nerf Doomlands, I would say you could defend yourself pretty well with The Nerf Doomlands Impact Zone Desolator. I say you should be able to defend yourself in a lot of different situations, you should also consider Nerf AccuStrike Darts that will give you much more accuracy due to their spinning design when fired through the air, for much more control of any situation you decide to use your Desolator in!
At A Final Glance … The Nerf Doomlands Impact Zone Desolator
Product: Nerf Doomlands Impact Zone Desolator
Ammo Capacity: 10 Nerf Darts
Best Attack Position: Mid Range
Overall Rating: 90 Out Of 100
The Desolator will allow you to… Desolate any target you decide to take out. When you are ready to desolate any target you want, Clicking The Nerf Doomlands Impact Zone Desolator Banner above will bring your directly to where you can make your purchase! works with to make sure you find the Nerf Gun that will work best your you in your situation you need a Nerf Gun for most. Once you find the Nerf Gun that works for you, simply click a banner and be brought straight to where you can make your safe and secure purchase along with the option of frustration free packaging or manufacture’s packaging.
Thanks for taking the time to check out my review of the Nerf Doomlands Impact Zone Desolator, I mean it when I say you will desolate your enemy, if you have another Nerf Magazine ready, drop your first mag and desolate your target some more!
What Target Do You Plan To Desolate With Your Nerf Doomlands Desolator?
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Law Maker Of
Nice review of the Nerf Desolator. I had not heard of it before but am interested as I have a 10 year old nephew who may love this for his next Birthday present. Should I buy him two so he’ll always have one for a friend? I wonder how long the batteries last and are there targets you can buy?
Hey Karen, The Nerf Doomlands Desolator is a great Nerf Gun for your 10 year old nephew, I think it would be a great idea to get him 2, you won’t need targets, your nephew and his friend can run around and shoot at each other! Have you thought about getting yourself one too? Nerf is a great way to have fun for the whole family!
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