Product: Nerf N-Strike Elite Spectre Rev-5 Stealth
Ammo Capacity: 5 Nerf Darts
Best Attack Position: Mid Range
Overall Rating: 77 Out Of 100
What Is The Nerf N-Strike Elite Spectre Rev-5 Stealth?
The Nerf N-Strike Elite Spectre Rev-5 Stealth is 5 Nerf Dart rotating barrel styled rifle Nerf Gun that primes with the top action pump action and comes with a removable extendable stock, removable barrel attachment and of course The Nerf Spectre, which looks more like a pistol styled Nerf Gun when taken apart with the attachments off.
With rotating barrels you need to make sure all your Nerf Darts are securely shoved into their barrel to avoid any jamming and avoidable damage to your Spectre. At mid range, right around 20-30 feet (6-9 Meters) you should have a pretty good chance of hitting any targets you see out in the open, but I recommend having cover available in case you need some place to duck real quick and reload or a way to move yourself to a new location without your enemy knowing! Always Have The Edge On Your Enemy! Sneak Attacks And Good Aim Is A Good Way To Use The Nerf N-Strike Elite Spectre Rev-5.
How To Use:
- Attach Barrel Extension (Optional)Attach Removable Stock (Optional)
- Load 5 Nerf Darts Into Rotating Barrels
- Pump Top Action To Prime
- Find Your Target
- Aim!
- Squeeze The Trigger To Fire 1 Nerf Dart
- Repeat 3-6
- Back To 2 When Your Run Out Of Ammo!
Pros Vs Cons

- Removable Stock
- Top Tactical Rail
- Pop Out Cylinder
- Barrel Rotation Prime
- 5 Nerf Darts
- Top Action Pump
The Nerf N-Strike Elite Spectre Rev-5 Stealth gives you a few different options to fire, you can fire with the stock attachment fit firm to your shoulder, you can fold the stock and use your Rev-5 as a pistol styled Nerf Gun then open the stock back up and get steady again, there is also the option to totally remove the stock to add a different stock attachment or no attachment at all!
The top tactical rail allows for the Spectre to have scope attachments or any attachment you find you want to stick on the top of your Rev-5, maybe even a Nerf Missile Launcher like The Nerf Tri-Strike Has?! When you are ready to take out targets, you need to pull back on the top action pump to prime while at the same time your barrel will be rotating to have your next Nerf Dart ready to fire! When you need to reload, hit the button on the left side to pop out your rotating barrel so you can easily reload and get back into the fight!
Now, 5 Nerf Darts isn’t all that much but it can be just enough if you know what you are doing… This is really a personal matter, but I am not a huge fan of top action Nerf Guns, you have to prime and then move your hand back to the bottom of The Spectre to stabilize your shot, I prefer pump action right where your hand should be anyways… On the bottom!
Who Is The Nerf N-Strike Elite Spectre Rev-5 Stealth For?
When you are someone that likes mixing up your Nerf Arsenal, you need all kinds of Nerf Guns, for example The Nerf Elite Spectre Rev-5, a Nerf Gun that gives you the agility to use as a pistol styled Nerf Gun or flip open the stock and use it as a stabilized rifled styled Nerf Gun. Best for close to mid range combat, so in your living room, office, or maybe other work space, you should be able to dominate the area if you can stay covered and always make good shots. I might as well mention Nerf AccuStrike Darts right now too, they spin through the air when fired for more accurate shots, consider those as an upgrade!
Of course Nerf Collectors need all kinds of Nerf Guns, but when you are someone looking to start out in the Nerf Community, you need a Nerf Gun that you can use in multiple situations, it really sucks when you have a short range Nerf Gun and everyone else is using mid to long range… What I am getting at is The Nerf N-Strike Elite Spectre Rev-5 Stealth is a good Nerf Gun to use for a first Nerf Gun, you get 5 Nerf Darts to shoot before reloading, and you start your collection off with 2 attachments, a barrel extension and a foldable stock.
For Nerf Combat, I prefer to have to Nerf Guns with lots of firepower and high ammo. It really depends on how many targets there are and how much back up I have, but if you are going to use The Nerf Elite Spectre Rev-5 in Nerf Combat, I recommend finding a spot to hunker into, fire of 5 shots, reload and to move to a new spot, hopefully you took out some targets with your 5 shots but fear is a powerful tool in the Nerf War Zone, they will know you are coming and you mean business!
Is The Nerf N-Strike Elite Spectre Rev-5 Stealth Worth The Price?

Before Making Any Final Decisions, I Always Have To Ask…
When you need a Nerf Gun for what ever reason, maybe you are being constantly shot at and need a way to defend yourself, maybe your first Nerf Gun is too big for certain situations, maybe it is too small? With the Nerf Spectre, I say this is the perfect size to execute quite a few missions where you can get in and get out, depending on your team and how you plan to get your mission done.
When you take into consideration that you get a Nerf Gun, a barrel extension, stock extension and 5 Nerf Darts (which you will probably want to think about getting more of at some point) that is a pretty good deal.’s Price Page has all the prices of all Nerf Guns reviewed here, compare prices and check out more reviews, click the Price Page banner below to open a separate tab to check and compare prices.
If you are planning on adding The Nerf Elite Spectre Rev-5 Stealth to your collection, I recommend you do, that’s how you build your awesome arsenal and make all your friends jealous, don’t break your Nerf Guns and ask for new ones…
If you are one of those breakers of Nerf Guns, well The Spectre is a rotating barrel Nerf Gun so its hard to damage the spin as long as you don’t pop it out first then damage it. The Spectre should last a good amount of beating but like all Nerf Guns, they have their breaking point. Respect your Nerf Guns and you shouldn’t have any issues!
Yes, I Say The Nerf N-Strike Elite Spectre Rev-5 Stealth Is Worth The Price!
My Final Opinion Of The Nerf N-Strike Elite Spectre Rev-5 Stealth
When it comes to Nerf Guns… I love them! Who doesn’t love a nice foam dart to the back of the head every now and then or to the neck, no matter what, a Nerf Gun can make any moment a memory. Everything is boring, boring, boring, wait is that a… Nerf Gun. Boom, remembered for the rest of the occasion is a good time all because you brought out the fun!
I am a firm believer any family occasion, any get together can be turned into a great time if everyone grabbed a Nerf Gun and went for a free for all or teamed up and took strategy into the mix. Pick a team leader of be the lone wolf who survives on their own!
Anyways… My final opinion of The Nerf N-Strike Elite Spectre Rev-5 Stealth is this is a great Nerf Gun to start with or add to your collection. You only get 5 Nerf Darts to fire, but with the 5 Nerf Dart rotating barrel compared to a 6 Nerf Dart rotating barrel like the Strongarm, you get a little bit more of a sleekness, making it a bit lighter and easier to maneuver with.
When you need to reload, I recommend you have someone to protect you or have a good spot no one will be able to hit you before you are done reloading. When it comes to the attachments, I love stock attachments, the one with The Spectre folds allowing for quick movements without running your stock into a wall or tree or anything that you can bump into during Nerf Combat! Barrel attachments are another story, they don’t really help, but they add to the look and length of your barrel, which kind of helps. You can add other barrel attachments though, maybe the Mega Attachment like The Tri-Strike?
Let Me Know What You Think Of The Nerf N-Strike Elite Spectre Rev-5 Stealth In The Comments Below!
At A Final Glance … The Nerf N-Strike Elite Spectre Rev-5 Stealth
Product: Nerf N-Strike Elite Spectre Rev-5 Stealth
Ammo Capacity: 5 Nerf Darts
Best Attack Position: Mid Range
Overall Rating: 77 Out Of 100
When you are sure that The Nerf N-Strike Elite Spectre Rev-5 Stealth is right for you or you are ready to purchase one for someone else ready to take on the Nerf Spectre, Clicking The Nerf N-Strike Elite Spectre Rev-5 Stealth Banner above will bring you directly to where you can make your purchase. I mentioned above, Nerf AccuStrike Darts so if you do want to increase your accuracy, go with the spinning Nerf Darts! Just sayin… 😉 works with to make sure you find the Nerf Gun that best fits your style of Nerf Combat then with the simple click of a banner you can make your safe and secure purchase through Upgrade to Amazon Prime to save on every Nerf Gun purchase!
Thanks for taking the time to check out my review of The Nerf N-Strike Elite Spectre Rev-5 Stealth, when you need to take 5 shots, reload and move to a new location, you need a Nerf Gun you can be Stealthy with, flip the stock forward and creep your way to your new spot to take out your targets without them knowing you moved!
What Do You Think About The Nerf N-Strike Elite Spectre Rev-5 Stealth? Do You Love It? Do You Hate It? Can’t Live Without It? Help Others Out With Your Comments Below!
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