Product: Nerf Doomlands 2169 Negotiator Blaster
Ammo Capacity: 8 Nerf Darts
Best Attack Position: Close – Mid Range
Overall Rating: 88 Out Of 100
What Is The Nerf Doomlands 2169 Negotiator Blaster?
The Nerf Doomlands is a New Nerf Apocolpitic World, you don’t know what is behind the next corner. There are tons of new creatures that lurk in the Nerf Doomlands, ready to attack. On top of the creatures, there are other survivors, but what are their plans? Are they looking to join together or destroy you and take what you have? Make sure you have protection in The Nerf Doomlands.
The Nerf Doomlands 2169 Negotiator blaster is the perfect blaster to have with you in the Nerf Doomlands. If negotiation is what they want, make sure you bring The Negotiator with you, make sure both sides are heard. If something goes wrong you have an 8 Nerf Dart capacity, rotating barrel, hammer action, Nerf Gun to protect yourself and walk away the victor!
How To Use:
- Insert 8 Nerf Darts Into The Rotating Barrel
- Draw Back The Negotiator’s Hammer
- Aim At Your Target That Needs To be Negotiated
- Pull The Trigger To Fire 1 Nerf Dart
- Repeat 2-4 Until Reload Required
*Negotiations May Vary
Pros Vs Cons

- Hammer Action
- Ammo Capacity
- Transparent Side Cover
- Bulky
The Nerf Doomlands 2169 Negotiator Blaster has one of my favorite features, Hammer Action, that pairs nicely with the transparent side cover. The hammer action is my favorite, well, right next to pump action, because you can do use it one handed to look and feel cool, or two handed for faster firing. While you draw the hammer, you can watch the firing mechanism through the transparent side cover.
For a pistol styled Nerf Gun, the ammo capacity is pretty decent, with 8 Nerf Darts, but with the awesome Nerf Doomlands looks, it is really bulky and impractical outside The Nerf Doomlands, but that depends on your skills!
Who Is The Nerf Doomlands 2169 Negotiator Blaster For?
The Nerf Doomlands Series is rated for ages 8+, however, I am a firm believer that anyone younger can still have Nerf Gun Fun, if they go through proper Nerf Safety and accuracy training. Parents that is your job to make sure they can listen and fire accurately!
When you find yourself lost in The Nerf Doomlands, you need a Nerf Gun to protect yourself with, a Nerf Gun from The Doomlands Series. Once you are in, you need to fight your way out, or… Negotiate your way all the way to the top with The Negotiator, there has to be some kind of authority in the Doomlands, find it and negotiate your way in!
When you want to dominate in The Nerf Doomlands, any Nerf Doomlands Nerf Gun and practice with it, will help you do just that. When you want to conserve ammo and negotiate your terms, you can rise to the top without even firing a shot.
The Nerf Doomlands Negotiator is for the smart ones that can negotiate without firing a shot, but fire when they need to demand some respect!
Is The Nerf Doomlands 2169 Negotiator Blaster Worth The Price?
Before I Make Any Purchase, I Always Ask…
When it comes to The Nerf Doomlands, the bigger and scarier, The Nerf Gun, the more authority you possess. For a pistol styled Nerf Gun The Nerf Doomlands 2169 Negotiator Blaster is huge and intimidating, plus it holds and fires 8 Nerf Darts, fast and easy with a hammer action design that makes dual wielding 2 Negotiators that much more intimidating. 16 Nerf Darts with the simple drawback of the hammer action and squeeze of the trigger!
Outside The Nerf Doomlands, not the most practical Nerf Gun but still tons of Nerf Gun Fun to have with The Nerf Doomlands 2169 Negotiator Blaster. Fire 8 Nerf Darts at really anything you want, buy some targets and make sure your skills never get rusty! When you head into the Nerf Doomlands, negotiate your way all the way to the top!
Yes, I think The Nerf Doomlands 2169 Negotiator is worth the price.
My Final Opinion Of The Nerf Doomlands 2169 Negotiator Blaster
The Nerf Doomlands can be a scary place to find yourself without any protection from beasts or savages. If you can, team up with someone, make an alliance… If they can help you survive, they might be worth it!
If you decide to take The Nerf Doomlands 2169 Negotiator with you into The Nerf Doomlands, make sure everyone knows you mean business! You are in charge! You are there to negotiate your plans!
My final opinion is that inside The Nerf Doomlands, you can take charge or negotiate yourself all the way to the top where you can have a blast taking out Doomlands Creatures, with The Nerf Doomlands 2169 Negotiator. When you want to have a Pistol styled Nerf Gun, you need to choose one that has a lot of ammo. The hammer action and 8 Nerf Dart capacity make the Negotiator a very well respected Nerf Gun! In The Doomlands and outside, back in the modern world!
At A Final Glance … The Nerf Doomlands 2169 Negotiator Blaster
Product: Nerf Doomlands 2169 Negotiator Blaster
Ammo Capacity: 8 Nerf Darts
Best Attack Position: Close – Mid Range
Overall Rating: 88 Out Of 100
When you are committed to owning a Nerf Doomlands 2169 Negotiator Blaster, because negotiation is your game, or 8 Nerf Darts with hammer action just sounds like a great idea to you, any decision to own A Negotiator is reason enough. The Nerf Doomlands Negotiator Banner Above will bring you directly to where you can safely and securely make your Negotiator Purchase! works with to make sure you find the Nerf Gun that will help you get the job done, then easily, safely and securely make your purchase of your Nerf Gun of choice from where you will have the option of frustration free packaging or manufactures packaging, along with other deals, like ammo… Never run out of ammo, especially in the Nerf Doomlands!
Thanks for checking out my review on The Nerf Doomlands 2169 Negotiator, this hammer action Nerf Gun has 8 Nerf Darts, that is a pretty good amount, especially if you dual wield!
Have you ever dual wielded Negotiators?!
Let Me Know In The Comments Below!
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