Product: Nerf Modulus Recon Battlescout
Ammo Capacity: 10 Nerf Darts
Best Attack Position: Mid Range
Overall Rating: 83 Out Of 100
What Is The Nerf Modulus Recon Battlescout?
The whole Nerf Modulus Series is pretty cool because any attachment from any Modulus Nerf Gun, will work on your Modulus Nerf Gun. Some have more attachment area for more attachments than others but all are still customizable for all your Nerf Gun battles and missions!
The Nerf Modulus Recon Battlescout is a smaller pump action blaster that is very easy to hold. The Nerf Modulus Recon Battlescout has a unique magazine (that is only useable in a Battlescout) and firing style, instead of loading your 10 Nerf Dart magazine from the bottom, you load it from the side and the loading mechanisms will move the magazine one Nerf Dart, each time you fire.
Another unique feature of The Nerf Modulus Recon Battlescout is this Nerf Gun comes with a 720p HD video camera attachment, allowing you to record any awesome Nerf battle shots!
How To Use:
- Attach 720p HD Camera (Or Don’t)
- Load The Unique 12 Nerf Dart Magazine
- Insert The Magazine Into The Side Of the Battlescout
- Pump The Bottom Action To Prime
- Squeeze The Trigger To Fire 1 Nerf Dart At A Time (Up To 12)
- Repeat
*The Battlescout Is A Very Unique Nerf Gun Due To Its Magazine, But Still Operates Efficiently… With That Magazine.
Pros Vs Cons

- 720p HD Camera Attachment
- Pump Action
- Attachments
- Range
- 4 AA Batteries
The Nerf Modulus Recon Battlescout is really awesome due to the fact it comes with its own 720p HD Camera attachment to record all the Nerf battle shots, that is compatible with any Modulus Nerf Gun. You get the awesome pump action that makes anyone feel like a warrior, ready to go take out everything in sight, just like the movies! 😉
Being part of The Nerf Modulus Series, you get to customize The Nerf Modulus Recon Battlescout for any mission!
I wouldn’t recommend trying to fire across the Nerf Battle Zone, I recommend using The Nerf Modulus Recon Battlescout no further than mid range, you have 10 Nerf Darts, go in and take out your target! The HD camera also requires 4 AA batteries, adding a bit of weight, but not as much as some Nerf Guns with 4 D batteries! If you want to record your Nerf Battle Shots, you got to do what you got to do with 4 AA batteries, honestly not that much weight.
Who Is The Nerf Modulus Recon Battlescout For?
The Nerf Modulus Series that fires regular Nerf Darts, is rated for ages 8+, however, I believe if you can teach the younger ones, proper safety and how to fire accurately, then they should be allowed to have Nerf Gun Fun too! Nerf Gun Fun For All! Parents, its your job to make sure your younger ones can fire accurately and safely.
With The Nerf Modulus Recon Battlescout, you get the awkward side loading, 10 Nerf Dart magazine, and you are able to customize the look and feel, however you want for your next mission. You may have to purchase attachments, or get someone who also has some Nerf Modulus Attachments to lend you an attachment for the mission you are trying to succeed on next. If you are looking to have the 720p HD Camera attachment, i recommend getting the Battlescout with it!
Are you the competitive Nerf Warrior that no one ever believes? Do you get shots off on your enemy, have them lie about it and then get yourself in trouble? You will need to have the HD camera attachment! You will be able to prove that you were telling the truth and… You Are The Nerf Warrior!
Is The Nerf Modulus Recon Battlescout Worth The Price?
Before I Buy Anything, I Have To Ask…
The Nerf Modulus Series allows you to swap attachments with any other Modulus Nerf Gun, that right there puts a pretty good worth to any of the Modulus Series Nerf Guns.
With The Nerf Modulus Recon Battlescout, you get an awesome 720p HD Camera that records all your battle shots. Buying a Nerf camera by itself isn’t as satisfying as getting it with a Battlescout. If you don’t really care about your battle shots, then that HD camera attachment can probably get you some cool attachments at the next Nerf War if you are looking to make a swap with another Nerf Modulus User.
On top of the camera, the magazine has been redesigned to fire better and further, but only with The Battlescout.
Yes, I Say The Nerf Modulus Recon Battlescout Is Worth The Price!
My Final Opinion Of The Nerf Modulus Recon Battlescout
For the fact, you can use any of the attachments from other Modulus Nerf Guns, I really like The Nerf Modulus Series. There is one thing that I would add though. I am not a huge fan of cheaper knock off darts, if they don’t say Nerf or if they are flimsy, don’t use them. I always recommend the official Nerf Darts for any Nerf Guns that fire regular Nerf Darts, maybe even Nerf AccuStrike Darts?
My final opinion of The Nerf Modulus Recon Battlescout is this is a pretty cool Nerf Gun that gives you the awesome pump action feel, I prefer pump action to pull back action. You get a pretty awesome Nerf 720p HD camera to record all your Nerf action, you can even use it to prove a point, you argue over a shot, just shoot them again with another Nerf Dart or look at the footage!
I really like how the magazine loads from the side and moves through to the left as you fire more shots, but not how it only works in the Battlescout… Be careful you don’t bump the magazine into walls or anything when you are running around. On your first shot, the magazine is hanging out to the right of The Nerf Modulus Recon Battlescout, the more shots you take the further from the right it goes and comes out the left side!
At A Final Glance … The Nerf Modulus Recon Battlescout
Product: Nerf Modulus Recon Battlescout
Ammo Capacity: 10 Nerf Darts
Best Attack Position: Mid Range
Overall Rating: 83 Out Of 100
When you are ready to take control and record all the Nerf Action with The Nerf Modulus Battle Scout, Clicking The Nerf Modulus Recon Battlescout Banner Above will bring you directly to where you can make your purchase of your Battlescout. works with to make sure you find the Nerf Gun that will work for you or someone you are trying to find a gift for, then simply click a banner to be brought to where you can safely and securely make your purchase of your Battlescout, along with other deals like ammo. Get more ammo!
Thanks for checking out my review on The Nerf Modulus Recon Battlescout, record all the action and make sure you prove yourself when you call a shot that you know happened, and someone disagrees with!
Do You Ever Call A Shot That Others Disagree With?
Let Us Know, In The Comments Below!
Get An Edge On Your Enemy!
Conductor Of
I was doing a little Christmas shopping online and came across your Nerf Modulus Recon Battlescout Review. I have 3 nephews that are all between 7 and 11 years old. I just order 3 Nerf Modulus Recon Battlescouts for them. My brother should be happy with this gift. He won’t be happy about the drum set their getting though.
Hey Jack, The Nerf Battlescout is a great Christmas present for each of your nephews, awesome you got each one of them their own, so they don’t have to share! Your brother should be thankful you buy his kids such great gifts, Nerf Guns and a drum set! Way To Go!
Never forget to get yourself a Nerf Gun to make sure you can defend yourself!
Nerf Gun Fun For All!
Creator Of
I have NEVER heard of a Nerf camera for Nerf Guns! Maybe I just haven’t really researched Nerf Guns enough! Good thing I found your site!
I can picture myself now in my office with a Battlescout set with the 720p HD camera and following through with a surprise attack on my office personnel. The looks on their face that I’ll capture with that camera would probably offer years of laughter… and paybacks!
I am definitely going to go check more of your reviews now!
Nerf has evolved into a whole new generation. With the Nerf Guns you get today, you get all kinds of options, from Nerf Mega Darts, to Nerf Cameras to record all the action. I think your idea to capture your co workers faces when you hit them with a Nerf Dart is awesome, definitely a great way to collect Black Mail, if that is what you are looking to do!
Be careful, if you do start firing Nerf Guns in the office area, be prepared for it to build into an all out Nerf War, it might take time to build up, but once you present the first Nerf Gun, there will be others ready to step up to compete with you!
The Battlescout will be great for sitting at your office space then waiting for someone to come in then blast them with the simple pump action, then do it over and over until you feel victorious! Then show them their faces after you get them off the camera!
Awesome to see you thinking about Nerf!
Nerf Gun Fun For All!
Get An Edge On Your Enemy!
Master Of
It’s really awesome that Nerf has started to improve with the latest generation. I suppose they’ve seen enough of the GoPro POV videos to realize they should equipping them with their own guns. I wish I would have found this list before Christmas. I might have to get this for myself! The included camera makes it just that much for worth it!
Hey Joe, it is pretty awesome that Nerf has their own version to record POV Nerf Action Shots, I like to say its a good way to prove your shots you make and land, if your target disagrees, show them the footage! GoPro and other video cameras are definitely going to be a better option for recording the best video, but the 720 HD Camera that comes with The Battlescout is still enough to record what you need!
However, you may find the clip that goes with The Battlescout a little awkward but only because it is not compatible with other Nerf Guns, only the Battlescout. Christmas may be over, but its never too late to get yourself a present!
If you figure out how to attach a GoPro Video Camera to your selection of Nerf Gun instead, be sure to send in your pictures to my email in the contact above! I would love to see one and share it with everyone for you!
Recording your Nerf Action is awesome,
Make sure everyone believes you with your video proof to back you up!