Product: Nerf Doomlands 2169 Persuader Blaster
Ammo Capacity: 4 Nerf Darts
Best Attack Position: Mid- Close Range
Overall Rating: 86 out of 100
What Is The Nerf Doomlands 2169 Persuader Blaster?
The Nerf Doomlands 2169 Persuader Blaster is a 4 shot, hammer action, pistol styled Nerf Gun that is designed to make sure you keep certain creatures away and make others do what you need! The 4 separate firing chambers fire one Nerf Dart with a draw back of the hammer and squeeze of the trigger! Repeat 4 times to unload The Persuader.
When you find yourself in The Nerf Doomlands, you are going to find all kinds of creatures and other survivors. You are going to need a way to “Persuade” them into leaving you alone! Or maybe “Persuade” them into joining your side, there is strength in numbers.
Fire up to 4 times without reloading and never let anyone or anything tell you how to live in The Doomlands, you persuade them to live the way you want!
You can get off 4 quick shots before needed to reload. Depending on your reload speed, The Nerf Doomlands 2169 Persuader Blaster is pretty easy to reload in a timely manner. Draw back on the hammer action and fire 4 times to quickly persuade your target!
The Nerf Doomlands 2169 Persuader Blaster comes with its own 4 Nerf Darts, but I recently started recommending, upgrading to Nerf AccuStrike Darts to ensure your accuracy is increased. They are in my opinion the better choice, much more accuracy and much less missed shots.
How To Use:
- Insert 4 Nerf Darts Into The Front Barrels
- Drawback The Hammer Of The Persuader
- Aim At Your Target That Needs Persuading
- Squeeze The Trigger To Fire 1 Nerf Dart
- Repeat 2-4 Until Reload Is Required
*The Persuader Will Fire With Nerf Darts In Any Front Barrel, Any Order
Pros Vs Cons

- Easy Firing/Draw Back Hammer
- Fire Up To 4 Darts W/out Reloading
- Easy To Conceal
- Only Holds Up To 4 Nerf Darts
- Darts May Fall Out
The Nerf Doomlands 2169 Persuader Blaster is perfect to bring into battle with you, with its easy to fire and easy to draw back hammer, any target you find will have 4 Nerf Darts to dodge if they want to stay alive. The ability to load and fire up to 4 Nerf Darts without reloading make it perfect for close call situations. You can also conceal it pretty easy in battle as well, making your enemy think you are less of a threat, until its too late!
The ability to fire off 4 Nerf Darts is pretty cool, but the fact is, you still only get 4 Nerf Darts compared to other pistol styled Nerf Guns with 6 or more, even 8 in The Doomlands Negotiator, it going to really come down to your intentions. 4 Nerf Darts is still plenty to get your perfectly placed shot off on your target!
Who Is The Nerf Doomlands 2169 Persuader Blaster For?
The Nerf Doomlands Series is rated for ages 8+. However, I believe that with the proper accuracy training and safety rules, anyone can have fun with Nerf Guns! Nerf Gun Fun For All! Parents, The Persuader is a great starter Nerf Gun for its size and hammer action, make sure you younger ones are ready to posses the power of The Persuader, put them to the test!
Due to the pistol style of this Nerf Gun, and the very easiness of use. I think it would be a great first Nerf Gun for anyone. Whether you are looking for a present for your kid or looking for a present for your grandma. I think anyone will have fun with The Nerf Doomlands 2169 Persuader Blaster. Grandchild Vs Grandparent, who will win?
Competitive Nerf Players will also love the ease of shooting 4 individual darts, if you run out of ammo in your primary Nerf Gun or if it jams, The Nerf Doomlands 2169 Persuader Blaster is a great secondary to carry into battle, even consider dual wielding Persuaders, that’s 8 Nerf Darts to fire at your target with the ease of one handed hammer action.
Is The Nerf Doomlands 2169 Persuader Blaster Worth The Price?
The Biggest Question When Buying Anything Is…
The Nerf Doomlands 2169 Persuader Blaster is an awesome Nerf Gun for its style and shooting ability, The easy draw of the hammer and squeeze of the trigger, up to 4 times will allow you to get the attention of your target, just make sure you don’t miss, consider Nerf AccuStrike Darts for more accuracy!
When you are going into the Nerf Doomlands, you need to Persuade everyone and everything, you don’t have the largest Doomlands Nerf Gun, so you need to be smart with The Persuader, and get others to do the hard work for you.
When you get a Hammer Action Nerf Gun, you get the ease of one handed firing. When you have one handed firing, that means you can put another Nerf Gun in your other hand, maybe another Persuader? Dual Wielding Persuaders will be sure to “Persuade” attackers to leave you alone.
I love hammer action Nerf Guns… Yes, I Say The Nerf Doomlands 2169 Persuader Is Worth The Price!
My Final Opinion Of The Nerf Doomlands 2169 Persuader Blaster
My final opinion of The Nerf Doomlands 2169 Persuader Blaster is this has a cool design and I really love the ease to point, draw the hammer, and shoot, that you can do up to 4 times. When you are in The Nerf Doomlands, easy shooting is very Important, you need to be able to see your target, figure out really fast what you want to do with them, then Persuade them into doing your dirty work!
If you are a first time Nerf Gun buyer, a pistol styled Nerf Gun might be the way to go. I recommend getting everyone in the family a Nerf Gun. There is no better way to have fun with the family and solve problems like a Nerf War. Pistol Styled Nerf Guns like The Persuader make for great first Nerf Guns, when is your next Nerf War? Get Ready For It, Stock Up Your Nerf Guns And Fill Your Ammo Locker!
At A Final Glance … The Nerf Doomlands 2169 Persuader Blaster
Product: Nerf Doomlands 2169 Persuader Blaster
Ammo Capacity: 4 Nerf Darts
Best Attack Position: Mid- Close Range
Overall Rating: 86 out of 100
When you are sick and tired of doing all the hard work, you need a way to persuade some lackeys to do some of the hard work for you. Persuade them with your very own Persuader Blaster! Clicking The Nerf Doomlands 2169 Persuader Blaster Banner Above will bring you directly to where you can make your purchase. works with to help you choose the Nerf Gun that will help out your situation and then with the simple click of a banner be brought to where you can safely and securely make your purchase of your Nerf Persuader Blaster, with the option of frustration free packaging or manufacture’s packaging, along with other deals like ammo! Fill That Nerf Ammo Locker!
Thanks for taking the time to check out my review of The Nerf Doomlands 2169 Persuader, if you need help getting what you want, get some more persuasion from The Nerf Doomlands Persuader!
Who Do You Plan To Persuade? What Are You Going To Persuade Them To Do?
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