Product: Nerf N-Strike Elite Rough Cut 2×4
Ammo Capacity: 8 Nerf Darts
Best Attack Position: Close – Mid Range
Overall Rating: 88 Out Of 100
What Is The Nerf N-Strike Elite Rough Cut 2×4?
The Nerf N-Strike Elite Rough Cut 2×4 is a pump action shotgun styled Nerf Gun that gives you the option to squeeze the trigger to fire two Nerf Darts, or fully hold the trigger and pump at will to fire two Nerf Darts each time with the pump action during SlamFire. When you have issues hitting your target with just one Nerf Dart, try firing 2 Nerf Darts to improve your accuracy!
A larger option of this Nerf Gun is The Nerf Mega TwinShock, the difference is the size and Mega Darts compared to traditional sized Nerf Darts here with The Rough Cut.
When you want to eliminate something, make sure you hit your target with 2 Nerf Darts to ensure you got the hit!
How To Use:
- Insert 8 Nerf Darts Into The Front Barrels
- Pump The Bottom Handle To Prime
- Aim At The Target Of Your Choosing
- Pull The Trigger To Fire 2 Nerf Darts
- Repeats 2-4 Until Reload Required
Pros Vs Cons

- Firing Option
- Design
- Fire Power
- Ranged Attacks
The Nerf N-Strike Elite Rough Cut has the awesome option to pump and fire 2 Nerf Darts or hold down the trigger and fire at will with each slam of the pump! When you load the Rough Cut, you load them in the front 8 Nerf barrels, make sure you have cover when you reload, and shove your Nerf Darts in all the way, this is designed to be powerful, two shots at once or fire them all in seconds in slamfire, it’s your option!
The Rough Cut is a shotgun Styled Nerf Gun, I recommend you use it in a short range situation and make sure you are the one in control. One pump action then the pull of the trigger is all it takes to eliminate your enemy in close call situations!
Who Is The Nerf N-Strike Elite Rough Cut 2×4 For?
The Nerf Elite Series is rated for ages 8+, but I am a believer that with proper Nerf safety and accuracy training, everyone should be allowed to have Nerf Gun Fun! Parents, make sure your kids can fire accurately, if they can’t, help them out!
The Nerf N-Strike Elite Rough Cut is a shotgun styled Nerf Gun that helps anyone in close call situations, that’s what shotgun styled Nerf Guns are for. If you are constantly being hit with Nerf Darts, you need a Nerf Gun to fire back with, The Nerf Rough Cut gives you the options to fire 2 Nerf Darts to get their attention or two Nerf Darts, four times really fast to get your point across!
If you are looking to take The Nerf Rough Cut with you into Nerf War, I suggest you have somewhere to take cover when you reload, or have an awesome secondary Nerf Gun. If you want to make sure everyone knows you mean business, I suggest you check out my review on The Nerf Mega TwinShock.
Is The Nerf N-Strike Elite Rough Cut 2×4 Worth The Price?
Before I Make Any Purchase, I Always Have To Ask…
I am a fan of shotgun styled, pump action Nerf Guns, they are easy to use and make you feel empowered! Most pump action Nerf Guns only allow you to fire one Nerf Dart at a time. With The Nerf N-Strike Elite Rough Cut, you fire 2 Nerf Darts at once to make sure you hit your target.
No matter the order you load the darts or if you don’t fill every barrel, The Rough Cut will fire whatever Nerf Darts are in the barrels. Great for scavenging Nerf Darts off the ground and using them to get a shot off when you really need to defend yourself!
A pretty cool Nerf Gun, if you are a collector, definitely worth the price, if you really want The Nerf N-Strike Elite Rough Cut 2×4, then get it, it’s worth the price! However, if you want a Nerf Gun to dominate with, that has the same capabilities plus more, Definitely Check Out The Nerf Mega TwinShock!
The Ultimate Nerf Question… Pump Action Vs Battery Powered.
My Final Opinion Of The Nerf N-Strike Elite Rough Cut 2×4
With The Nerf Elite Series, it’s all about get in and get out, The Mission is the priority. Make every shot count! Get the whole crew together to make sure you have every shot covered!
My final opinion Of The Nerf N-Strike Elite Rough Cut 2×4 is this is a Nerf Gun that should be used for close call eliminations if used in Nerf Wars and for ensuring you hit your target in really any situation. When you fire 2 Nerf Darts at the same time, that gives you a 200% better chance of hitting your target, every time!
The firepower that comes out of The Rough Cut is pretty incredible for the fact it is firing 2 Nerf Darts at the same time. When you upgrade your Nerf Darts to AccuStrike Nerf Darts, you will find much more accurate firing, missing much less and destroying much more competition!
I Like The Nerf Elite Rough Cut, But I Like The Nerf Mega TwinShock Better! But that really depends on your intentions. Get the mission done, or destroy everything while getting the mission done! That is up to you, so I will just leave you a link to my Mega TwinShock Review, let you do what you want with it! 😉
Click Here To Read My Review Of The Nerf Mega TwinShock!
At A Final Glance … The Nerf N-Strike Elite Rough Cut 2×4
Product: Nerf N-Strike Elite Rough Cut 2×4
Ammo Capacity: 8 Nerf Darts
Best Attack Position: Close – Mid Range
Overall Rating: 88 Out Of 100
The Nerf Elite Rough Cut 2×4 has the power of 2 Nerf Darts with each pull of the trigger. When you want to have the power of the Nerf Elite Rough Cut, The Rough Cut Banner above will bring you directly to, just click it! works with to make sure you find the Nerf Gun that fits your style of Nerf Combat, The Nerf Elite Rough Cut is a shot gun styled Nerf Gun designed for close call Nerf Combat or even mid range, but less and less useful the further you go back, just stick to up close, then click to to make your safe and secure purchase, along with other Nerf Darts for more ammo. MORE AMMO! Never Run Out Of Ammo! Make sure your ammo locker is full!
Thanks for checking out my review of the Nerf Elite Rough Cut, when you want to make sure you hit your target, you fire two times the Nerf Darts!
Would You Prefer The Rough Cut Or The TwinShock? (Check out the TwinShock)
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I don’t think you are every too old to have fun with a Nerf Gun! This Nerf Gun looks fun, and we prefer this style. My only concern is that it only holds 8 Nerf Darts. Seems like you would go through them awfully quick. Do you find that 8 Nerf Darts is enough to enjoy before having to reload? Is reloading fairly simple other than retrieving the darts? Can you buy extra darts as well, to make reloading quicker and easier?
The Nerf N-Strike Elite Rough Cut 2×4 is an awesome shotgun styled Nerf Gun that does go through Nerf Darts pretty quick. Of course you can buy extra Nerf Darts to make reloading much easier, its a bit difficult to have to find your exact 8 Nerf Darts you just shot, but that really comes to the situation. If you are not looking to be hit with a Nerf Dart, 8 Nerf Darts is more than enough, but if you are not a very good shot, practice more and get more Nerf Darts!
Nerf Gun Fun For All!
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