Product: Nerf Rival Khaos MXVI-4000 Blaster
Ammo Capacity: 40 Nerf High Impact Rounds
Best Attack Position: Any (Have Cover Available)
Overall Rating: 90 Out Of 100
What Is The Nerf Rival Khaos MXVI-4000 Blaster?
The Nerf Rival Series throws a bit of a twist into the Nerf Gun World. The traditional Nerf Gun fires Nerf Darts, then there is the mega series that fires larger Nerf Mega Darts. But when it comes to the Rival Series, they fire Foam Balls called “High Impact Rounds.”
The Nerf Rival Khaos MXVI-4000 Blaster is 2nd in The Rival Series for size and ammo capacity with 40 High Impact Rounds, with the easy to load magazine and 6 D Batteries, the Nerf Rival Khaos MXVI-4000 really is a monster from the Nerf Rival Series! Right behind The Nerf Rival Nemesis!
When you are ready to cause Khaos, The Khaos Blaster is what you want!
How To Use:
- Remove Battery Cover
- Insert 6 D Batteries / Close Cover
- Load 40 Nerf High Impact Rounds Into Magazine
- Insert Magazine Into The Nerf Khaos
- Hold Down The Lower Trigger To Warm Up The Motor
- Find The Target You Want To Wreak Khaos On
- Hold Down The Firing Trigger Until Target Is Eliminated Or Reload Required
- Repeat 3-7 To Ensure Complete Khaos
*Replace Batteries When Lack Of Power Is First Noticed, For Best Performance
*The Rival Khaos Only Fires On Full Auto
Pros Vs Cons

- High Ammo Capacity (40 Rounds)
- Fires From Anywhere
- Fast Shooting
- Easy To Reload
- It’s Huge!
- 6 D Batteries
- It’s Huge
The Nerf Rival Khaos MXVI-4000 Blaster has the 2nd highest ammo capacity in the Nerf Rival Series at 40 Nerf High Impact Rounds, where The Nemesis has 100. The magazine is really easy to load, you flip the top of the magazine open and fill to the top on all 4 slots, 10 rounds in each slot, it is really simple!
This thing fires from anywhere at a really fast rate, just hold down the motor trigger and the firing trigger until your target is destroyed! Oh and did I forget to mention.. Its Huge! Huge will scare your enemy! Not only will they be intimidated by the sound of the motor, the impact of the Rounds on the surface’s around them, but when they see what you are using, they will run for the bunkers!
Now with any Nerf Gun that fires very quickly with lots of ammo, that requires 6 D batteries is going to have some weight to it.. Depending on the user, this can be a pro or a con, I however, love the power you get from the D batteries in the Khaos Blaster.
Who Is The Nerf Rival Khaos MXVI-4000 Blaster For?
Most Nerf Guns are rated for ages 8+, but The Nerf Rival Series is rated for ages 14+ because of the size and power, however, I believe any younger ones with the proper training and safety precautions can have fun with Nerf Guns. For The Nerf Rival Khaos MXVI-4000, you might want to make sure they can handle the weight and the size, first. Parents, make the decision!
If you are looking to throw off your enemy that has never seen the Nerf Rival Series, then firing 40 Nerf High Impact Rounds at them really fast, will definitely do the trick! One after another, bouncing off everything you hit, including your target!
For the competitive Nerf Warrior, The Nerf Rival Khaos MXVI-4000 Blaster is the 2nd largest of The Nerf Rival Series, I would highly recommend taking this one into battle with you! You can fire from anywhere, just make sure you have extra ammo or a good secondary Nerf Gun, and always a place to duck and cover!
Is The Nerf Rival Khaos MXVI-4000 Blaster Worth The Price?

Anytime I Go To Purchase Anything, I Always Ask…
Nerf Guns are often time worth the price they are sold for, I say the larger Nerf Guns that come with more ammo are always worth it.
The Nerf Rival Khaos MXVI-4000 Blaster comes with 40 Nerf High Impact Rounds that can be used in any Rival Nerf Gun, or repeatedly in just The Khaos. Aside from the ammo supply, The Nerf Rival Khaos MXVI-4000 Blaster is huge, fires really fast and its super easy to reload.
Either in the Nerf War Zone, Office Area, Or Household. The Nerf Rival Khaos will give you all the right to cause all the Khaos you want!
The Nerf Khaos Blaster will be sure to help who ever wields it… Reek Khaos!!!
Yes, I think The Nerf Rival Khaos MXVI-4000 Blaster is worth the price!
My Final Opinion Of The Nerf Rival Khaos MXVI-4000 Blaster
Nerf Guns are crazy fun and really anyone can use them, from the kids to the grandparents, I think Nerf Guns are fun for everyone! Could you imagine Grandma with The Nerf Rival Khaos MXVI-4000?!
I know if I see anyone using The Nerf Rival Khaos MXVI-4000, I will have to rethink my strategy, well it will depend what Nerf Gun I have, but I will still avoid head on confrontation with anyone using Nerf High Impact Rounds!
My final opinion of The Nerf Rival Khaos MXVI-4000 is it is crazy big (that can be a pro and a con), it shoots crazy fast due to the 6 D batteries, making it pretty heavy for a Nerf Gun, holds 40 High Impact Rounds that are really easy to reload in the magazine. I always like to have any Nerf Gun out of the Rival Series on my side of the Nerf War.
At A Final Glance … The Nerf Rival Khaos MXVI-4000 Blaster
Product: Nerf Rival Khaos MXVI-4000 Blaster
Ammo Capacity: 40 Nerf High Impact Rounds
Best Attack Position: Any (Have Cover Available)
Overall Rating: 90 Out Of 100
The power of the Nerf Rival Khaos MXVI-4000 is remarkable, with the easy to use design, there are not many who can stand in the way when you decide to cause Khaos! When you are ready to get your very own Nerf Rival Khaos, Clicking The Rival Khaos MXVI-4000 Banner Above will bring you directly to where you will have the option of frustration free packaging or manufacture’s packaging. works with to make sure you find the Nerf Gun that fits your style of Nerf Combat and then allows you to easily, safely and securely make your purchase of your Nerf Rival Khaos, along with other deals like more Nerf High Impact Rounds! Never Run Out Of Ammo!
Thanks for checking out my review of the Nerf Rival Khaos MXVI-4000, this is one scary Nerf Gun when it is coming at you!
What Do You Think About Nerf High Impact Rounds?
Let Me Know… In The Comments Below!
Creator Of
Seems like a lot of fun. When I read this review I feel buying a couple of these and have some fun with the kids. When I was little, all you could find were guns firing darts and they could only fire one at a time and then you had to reload it. It was just a very simple spring loaded mechanism and they usually broke pretty quickly.
Nerf guns seems like a lot of fun though.
Can’t wait to get one!
Nerf Guns are incredibly fun, for the kids and for yourself. I like to tell people to get the whole family involved with Nerf Guns, what better way to take out some aggression and stress than a Nerf War with the kids?!
Nerf Guns have come a long way from the simple spring loaded ones you mentioned. They are pretty durable, but it all depends on how they are treated, everything breaks if you abuse it.
Thanks for the comment!
Hey Kenny, thanks for the review, my boys and I have Nerf Wars all the time and have lots of fun while doing so. My youngest can go for hours, if only I could keep up with him lol. The newest addition to my sons collection is the Nerf Elite Demolisher 2-In1 ever heard of it? if so what are your thoughts?
Hey Tony, I love to see parents that get involved with their kids with Nerf Guns, I think they are a great way to demand some respect or battle for it! I have heard of The Nerf Elite Demolisher 2 in 1 and I have written a review on it also, you can Click Here To Read It!
When it comes to The Rival Khaos MXVI-4000 you get 40 Nerf High Impact Rounds to fire on Full Auto. I think this would be a great Nerf Gun for you to have to make sure you always have the advantage!
Keep the kids in check!
Creator Of
As always man, well written. You articles are fantastic bro.
I am thinking about getting a huge one now. The time for piknicks at work are over.
How many magazines come with The Khaos and can I buy some extra? 40 High Impact Rounds are crazy but I need at least 2 or 3 magazines to make sure everyone gets what they deserve.
Thanks man!
Hey Manny, great to see you looking into upgrading to a larger Nerf Gun, with The Khaos you get 40 Nerf High Impact Rounds, that is quite a lot to fire, but if you need more, there are options to add more magazines and extra Nerf High Impact Rounds to make sure you have a Nerf High Impact Round for everyone.
Anyone who doesn’t have a Nerf Gun to protect themselves with deserves to get shot! Make sure you teach them that if they are going to be in your area, they need something to protect themselves with!
If you want another option where you wouldn’t need to swap magazines, that would be The Nerf Rival Nemesis, that has 100 Nerf High Impact Rounds that you can easily refill by pouring your extra rounds into the top of the hopper on the Nemesis when you start to run low.
Either option requires batteries making for Automatic Nerf Destruction, with Nerf Rival High Impact Rounds.
Thanks for using the reviews here to determine your next Nerf Gun!
Manager Of Everything Here At
Reading your review I begin to feel like a kid again. I wish I had The Nerf Rival Khaos right now to blast my boss. Although, he did walk over and say we should get a couple of those for the office.
I had a question though: How “high impact” are these rounds? Do they sting as bad as a paintball gun, for example?
Your boss sounds like a fun boss, you definitely should get a few Nerf Guns in your office, check out my post for Best Nerf Guns For Office Warfare.
When it comes to Nerf High Impact Rounds, they are foam balls that do not have nearly the power of a paintball gun. Instead of a welt left by a paintball gun, you get a little red mark where you get hit by a High Impact Round, nothing too serious, but over time you will stop wanting to get willing hit…
Nerf Guns are fun, paintball guns are painful fun. What Fun Are You Looking For!? 😉
Your office will be a whole new environment once you bring in Nerf Guns!
Supreme Overlord Of
My son loves Nerf Guns and this one is pretty cool!
I am definitely going to go buy this and I will get two because secretly I like them too.
They are so much fun! Thanks for the info on The Nerf Rival Khaos never thought to do product research on these kinds of products until I saw your article!
Hey Jamie, awesome to hear your son loves Nerf Guns, and secretly you too! 😉
The Nerf Rival Khaos MXVI-4000 gives you and your son each 40 Nerf High Impact Rounds, you two will be in for a long lasting Nerf Battle, or will you two team up in your next Nerf War?!
I have lots of Nerf Gun Reviews here at, check them all out with your son to find out which ones he wants most!
Nerf Gun Fun For All!
Never Grow Up!
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