Product: Nerf Rival Phantom Corps Hera MXVII-1200
Ammo Capacity: 12 Nerf High Impact Rounds
Best Attack Position: Close – Mid Range
Overall Rating: 89 Out Of 100
What Is The Nerf Rival Phantom Corps Hera MXVII-1200?
The Nerf Rival Series is what you want when you want to destroy your competition, grab a Nerf Rival Gun and find your target, I bet you they will be up for talks at this point, but it may be too late for that! Blast them! They may have a team, but you have a Phantom Corps Hera, you choose your own team or be your own team!
The Nerf Rival Phantom Corps Hera MXVII-1200 is a semi-automatic 12 Nerf High Impact Round Firing, motorized Nerf Gun that has the awesome Phantom Corps design. With The Phantom Corps Hera, you load your 6 C Batteries into the tray it comes with and insert into the top of your Hera under the battery cover. You also have the option of upgrading to a D Battery Tray or my biggest suggestion… The Nerf Rival Rechargeable battery that fits perfectly and allows for the highest rate of fire. Then load your magazine and insert it into the bottom, just like a Rival Apollo XV-700. Hold down the bottom motor trigger to warm up your motor and pull the firing trigger over and over to unleash Nerf High Impact Rounds on your enemy!
How To Use:
- Remove Battery Cover
- Decide Battery Option Then Insert (6 C Batteries OR 6 D Batteries OR Rechargeable Nerf Battery)
- Close Battery Tray
- Load Nerf High Impact Rounds Into Your Magazine
- Insert Magazine Into The Bottom Of Your Hera
- Find Your Target
- Hold Down Motor Trigger
- Aim For The Perfect Shot
- Unleash With Your Nerf Phantom Corps Hera
- Release Magazine With Trigger On The Bottom Of The Handle
- Repeat 4-10 Until 1-3 Is Required
*D Battery Tray And Rechargeable Nerf Battery Sold Separately
Pros Vs Cons
- Motorized Semiautomatic (Battery Options)
- Phantom Design
- Easy Magazine Release
- Tactical Rail
- Trigger Lock
- Bulky
The Nerf Rival Phantom Corps Hera MXVII-1200 is quite The Nerf Gun from The Nerf Rival Series, but what is even better about The Phantom design compared to the Red or Blue options, is you get the option of Red Team, Blue Team, Or Your Own Team! When you can be your own soldier, leader, and thinker, you can take the motorized semi-automatic power of The Hera and destroy anyone or anything that comes your way! With the option to use The C battery tray that comes with the Hera or upgrading to the more powerful rechargeable Nerf Battery for faster and more powerful firing!
When you are ready to reload, take the simple magazine release located at the bottom of the handle and push it, it feels naturally when you release your magazine, then simply reload and get back to the action. Finally, there is the option of maybe a red dot or other kind of Rival Site to fit on the top tactical rail!
Another unique feature of The Nerf Rival Phantom Corps, is the trigger lock that locks both the motor trigger and the firing trigger, use this for on the run, make sure you don’t make any unnecessary noise!
Now The Nerf Rival Phantom Corps Hera MXVII-1200 is amazing, but it is a little bulky, the handle might be a little large for anyone with small hands, but the overall features and power is constant. Figure out how to manage and you can still use The Hera to dominate!
Who Is The Nerf Rival Phantom Corps Hera MXVII-1200 For?
The Nerf Rival Series is rated for ages 14+, however, I am a firm believer in Nerf Gun Fun For All, IF the younger ones are capable of handling the power of The Nerf Rival Series, if not… Lower their power level and keep the Rival Series for the adults! Every parent needs a way to stay in control, why not make it a fun way to stay in control with the bigger more powerful Nerf Gun like The Nerf Rival Phantom Corps Hera MXVII-1200?! Parents, I leave it up to you to put your kids to the test to see if they have the proper safety and accuracy skills required!
I wouldn’t recommend going straight for a Nerf Rival Phantom Corps Hera MXVII-1200 if you have never used a Nerf Gun before… Who am I kidding, if you have never used a Nerf Gun before, you will learn real quick and shoot up to the top rankings in your battles if you start off with a Nerf Rival Phantom Corps Hera MXVII-1200! You will learn fast that it doesn’t take much to load 12 Nerf High Impact Rounds into a magazine that you shove into the bottom to be ready for action! Then warm up your motor and fire with the simple squeeze of the trigger!
If you are already a seasoned Nerf War Vet, you don’t need as much hype to allow you to understand how powerful a semiautomatic High Impact Round firing Nerf Gun can be. You might even already have something similar, maybe The Nerf Rival Zeus MXV-1200. With The Nerf Rival Phantom Corps Hera MXVII-1200 you get a much easier reload, super easy magazine release, and a much more comfortable hold.
Once You Posses The Power Of The Nerf Rival Phantom Corps Hera MXVII-1200, You Won’t Want Anything Less!
Is The Nerf Rival Phantom Corps Hera MXVII-1200 Worth The Price?

Before I Make Any Final Decisions I Always Have To Ask…
With The Nerf Rival Phantom Corps Hera MXVII-1200 you get an awesome styled Nerf Gun that doesn’t belong to either the Red or The Blue Rival sides, with The Phantom Corps you have the option to be the rouge fighter who winners all the Nerf Battles on their own or you can team up with either The Red or The Blue, maybe even switch teams in the process? Hey with a Phantom Corps, you can do what you like! 😉
The power of The Rival Series stands out especially with their unique Nerf Rival High Impact Rounds that fire pretty hard up to about mid range, after that you lose just about all accuracy and power, with this being said, if you keep your shots to mid range, maybe even close range, you should have no problem unleashing 12 High Impact Rounds on anyone with just the warm up of the motor and repeat pull of the trigger, leaving you with the choice to take over their area or use your phantom powers to ghost away to the next target!
The overall feel of the Hera is big and makes you feel empowered just to hold it, then you warm up the motor and fire a few shots… The only difference is, do you choose to use the weaker C batteries which are lighter than the D batteries or do you upgrade all the way to the Rechargeable Nerf Rival battery that is even lighter than The C Batteries and more powerful!
With this all being said… Yes, I Say The Nerf Rival Phantom Corps Hera MXVII-1200 Is Worth The Price!
My Final Opinion Of The Nerf Rival Phantom Corps Hera MXVII-1200
I love The Nerf Rival Series for the sheer power and hard hitting Nerf High Impact Rounds, I mean they say it in their name… High Impact.. They are still foam but they can still leave a mark, imagine 12 marks in the same spot, they would add up… Trust me! But I will let your target tell you instead!
Alright… My final opinion of The Nerf Rival Phantom Corps Hera MXVII-1200 is this is an awesome, motorized semiautomatic upgrade from The Nerf Rival Zeus MXV-1200, with a super simple magazine release, options to add to your tactical rail and the options of batteries. I suggest you use The Nerf Rival Rechargeable Battery, you can check the price on NerfGunRUs.com’s price page, click the image above to check that out.
If you are a smaller person, you might find it a bit harder to get a good grip on The Hera, but you will have to manage because the overall power and ease of using once you get it down in phenomenal! All it takes is a little practice and a good enemy to get an edge on!
At A Final Glance … The Nerf Rival Phantom Corps Hera MXVII-1200
Product: Nerf Rival Phantom Corps Hera MXVII-1200
Ammo Capacity: 12 Nerf High Impact Rounds
Best Attack Position: Close – Mid Range
Overall Rating: 89 Out Of 100
When you are considering destroying your whole entire competition while being the rouge Phantom, using The Phantom Corps Hera MXVII-1200, you are going to want to have plenty of ammo and a good set of batteries, whether you use the C battery tray The Hera comes with or you want to upgrade to the Nerf Rival Rechargeable Battery that makes your Hera fire even faster, you will be able to destroy anyone that wants to challenge you, they will even try to recruit you!
If you are ready to purchase a Nerf Rival Phantom Corps Hera MXVII-1200, Clicking The Hera Banner Above will bring you directly to Amazon.com where you will be able to make your safe and secure purchase, to be ready for the Nerf Action in just days! Check out the Nerf Rival Rechargeable Battery And Extra Nerf High Impact Rounds, Never Run Out Of Ammo!
NerfGunRUs.com works with Amazon.com to make sure you find The Nerf Gun that fits your style of Nerf Combat then allows you to simply click a Banner to be brought to Amazon.com to make your purchase, along with other deals you find to help you get an edge on you enemy!
The Nerf Phantom Corps Hera MXVII-1200 is quite the Nerf Gun to come out of the Nerf Rival Series, with semi-automatic firing, just hold down the motor trigger and take your shots at will! Some say this is an upgraded form of the Rival Apollo XV-700, but I say that title belongs to The Nerf Rival Phantom Corps Helios.. The Hera is a more upgraded Zeus with easier reloading and a much better feel!
What do you think about The Nerf Rival Phantom Corps Hera MXVII-1200? Can you handle the semi-automatic Nerf High Impact Round Firing, awesome feeling Hera?!
Let Me Know In The Comments Below!
Ring Leader Of NerfGunRUs.com
I remember having Nerf Wars as a kid and it was nothing like it is today. It’s way more fun now! I have actually used this Nerf Gun on Chistmas in 2017. All of the kids and adults got guns at the end of the gift exchange and it quickly turned in to a war, lol! I had The Nerf Hera and those High Impact Rounds! It worked really well and definitely gave me an edge over everyone else. I definitely recommend it to anyone wanting to Nerf with an upper hand!
Hey Tim! Awesome to hear you got to use a Hera in an all out Nerf War on Christmas! Anytime there is a group of people together and a bunch of Nerf Guns, there needs to be a war! haha
The Nerf Phantom Corps Hera MXVII-1200 is quite The Nerf Gun, as you witnessed first hand! Nerf High Impact Rounds are great when you can get a good shot within a good range and pop your enemy, several times if you want to make a point. Good to know you found The Hera to give you an edge on your enemy, and good words to anyone who is looking for a new Nerf War Nerf Gun!
Keep On Keeping On!
Creator Of NerfGunRUs.com
My nephew wants this Nerf Gun. He has a million Nerf Guns but I am thinking about getting him this Phantom Corps Hera MXVII. I like the fact that it comes with a rechargeable battery. So many, Nerf Guns come with batteries, but sadly they are not rechargeable.
How accurate is this gun though?
Hey Garen, awesome to hear your nephew loves Nerf Guns, I know a little something about nephews and Nerf Guns! 😉
Unfortunately, The Nerf Phantom Corps Hera MXVII-1200 doesn’t come with the Nerf Rival Rechargeable Battery, with The Hera you get a C Battery tray that holds 6 C Batteries, you have the option to upgrade your battery tray to either the Rechargeable Nerf Rival Battery or choose a different battery tray that takes 6 D Batteries, either option you choose still gives you Nerf High Impact Rounds to fire at your enemy. But choosing either the D Batteries or The Nerf Rival Rechargeable Battery will give your Nerf High Impact Rounds a bit more of a kick!
For Accuracy, The Whole Nerf Rival Series fire Nerf High Impact Rounds, great for close to mid range accuracy but the further back you are, the less power you will deliver on impact. Accuracy with Rival Nerf Guns is all about practice and destruction!
I hope I helped you out with this answer! I recommend you learn all you can about different Nerf Guns using my site here!
Nerf Gun Fun For All!
Mastermind Behind NerfGunRUs.com