Product: Nerf Zombie Strike Doominator Blaster
Ammo Capacity: 24 Nerf Darts
Best Attack Position: Rampage
Overall Rating: 94 out of 100
What Is The Nerf Zombie Strike Doominator Blaster?
The Nerf Zombie Strike Doominator Blaster is an amazing 4 drum, 24 Dart Pump Firing, Monster of a Nerf Gun. Firepower is everything when you are in a battle or out Zombie hunting. If you are looking to destroy hoards of Zombies that refuse to stay down, make sure you unleash 24 headshots!
From Zombies to your worst enemy, The Nerf Zombie Strike Doominator Blaster will wipe them all out.
The Doominator has 4 drums that rotate and fire 6 Nerf Darts from, then with the flip of the lower trigger, switch to your next set of 6 Nerf Darts! Eliminate all targets!
How To Use:
- Load 6 Nerf Darts Into Each Set Of Barrels (24 Nerf Darts Total)
- Pump The Front Grip To Prime The Doominator
- Find The Hoard Of Zombies That Need To Be Taken Care Of {Or Any Other Target(s)}
- Pull The Trigger To Fire One Nerf Dart At A Time
- Repeat 2-4 Until Next Barrel Set Is Required
- Use Bottom Lever To Switch To The Next Barrel Set
- Repeat 2-4 Until 6 Is Required, Continue Until Reload Required
Pros Vs Cons

- 24 Shots Without Reloading
- Four 6 Dart Drums
- Blows Away Zombies
- Bulky
- Slow Reload Time
The Nerf Zombie Strike Doominator Blaster gives you the option to go on a rampage mission and destroy anything in your path, with 24 Nerf Darts. Its always recommended to pop Zombies in the head, or else they will most likely get back up or not go down at all. When you run out of your first 6 Nerf Darts, switch to your next drum, its really easy, make sure its loaded first! Honestly… Zombies Stand No Chance Against The Doominator.
When you get a large Nerf Gun like The Zombie Strike Doominator, of course it is going to be on the bulkier side, but firepower required size sometimes, The Doominator is all about firepower! Cover is always recommended when you need to reload a high ammo Nerf Gun like the 24 Nerf Dart holding Doominator!
Who Is The Nerf Zombie Strike Doominator Blaster For?
Zombie Strike Series Nerf Guns are rated for ages 8+, The Doominator is a Zombie Strike Nerf Gun so ages 8 and older and the desire to fire at Zombies or really anything in sight, is all you need to operate The Doominator.
For the ones who can handle the weight of The Nerf Zombie Strike Doominator Blaster and still fire accurately, this is for you! You may want to get some practice in and maybe even consider the upgrade to Nerf AccuStrike Darts that fire much more accurately due to their spin when they fly through the air, makes head shots much more common!
If you are planning on taking the Nerf Zombie Strike Doominator into a Nerf War with you, I recommend having someone to watch your back, there is going to be a moment when you need to reload… Either a good teammate, or an awesome secondary Nerf Gun, trust your teammate or trust yourself!
Is The Nerf Zombie Strike Doominator Blaster Worth The Price?

My Biggest Question When Purchasing Anything Is…
The Nerf Zombie Strike Doominator Blaster is a tank of a Nerf Gun, you get 4 drums of 6 darts that rotates, allowing you to fire off 24 shots total, before reloading.
On top of the awesomeness of The Nerf Zombie Strike Doominator Blaster itself. Any hoard of Zombies will be powerless when you add Nerf AccuStrike Darts to your Doominator making headshots with every shot! 24 Zombies Down!
Incredible Tank Of A Nerf Gun + 24 Zombie Nerf Strike Darts to eliminate Zombie hoards in seconds or the entire Nerf War opposing team, how you choose to use it is up to you!
Yes, I think The Monster Of A Nerf Zombie Strike Doominator Blaster is worth the price.
My Final Opinion Of The Nerf Zombie Strike Doominator Blaster
My final opinion of The Nerf Zombie Strike Doominator Blaster is that this really is a great gun that is going to impress anyone or terrify them…
The Nerf Zombie Strike Doominator Blaster comes with its own supply of Nerf Darts, I recommend adding another package of Green Zombie Strike Nerf Darts, for even more fun or even upgrading to Nerf AccuStrike Darts for improved accuracy. How you plan to use The Doominator is up to you, there are tons of options, I mean you get 24 Nerf Darts, you can do a lot with that much ammo!
When it comes to destroying Zombies, they need head shots, or 24 shots to the chest, they will probably split in half by then, if they keep coming, well, guess a headshot from the start would have been a better option, but its time to end it now with a headshot on half a Zombie!
Well, it does the trick, anyway you choose!
The Doominator is a BadA** Nerf Gun From The Nerf Zombie Strike Series!
At A Final Glance … The Nerf Zombie Strike Doominator Blaster
Product: Nerf Zombie Strike Doominator Blaster
Ammo Capacity: 24 Nerf Darts
Best Attack Position: Rampage
Overall Rating: 94 out of 100
The power of the Nerf Zombie Strike Doominator is really unmatched by any other Nerf Gun in the Zombie Strike Series, other series have a chance, but when it comes to the Doominator, its the meanest out of the Zombie Strike Series. When you are ready to purchase a Nerf Doominator, Clicking the Doominator Banner above will bring you straight to, where you can safely and securely make your purchase. works with to ensure your safe and secure purchase and option of manufactures packaging or frustration free packaging.
Thank you for checking out my review of The Nerf Zombie Strike Doominator, this Nerf Gun destroys Zombies and really anything that comes into its path, just be ready to rotate barrels, and always keep track of your ammo!
Are You Going To Destroy Zombies With Your Doominator?
Let Me Know!
Creator Of
I always wanted to have a Nerf Gun, but they are a bit pricy in my country, so not many of us can aford them or won’t give that much money for a toy.
This review convinced me that it is worth the money and brings a lot of fun when playing with it. And one day I will have my own nerf gun!
Have you any recommendations for a cheaper but still fun Nerf or similar toy gun?
Nerf Guns are amazing! They are fun for anyone and once you start firing, I bet you won’t want to stop. The Nerf Zombie Strike Doominator is awesome to go on rampages with but there are lots of other Nerf Guns that are much cheaper. I recommend checking out my Top 10 Pistol Styled Nerf Guns, pistol styled Nerf Guns are smaller and of course cheaper.