Product: Nerf Zombie Strike Sledgefire Blaster
Ammo Capacity: 9 Nerf Darts
Best Attack Position: Pointblank
Overall Rating: 85 Out Of 100
What Is The Nerf Zombie Strike Sledgefire Blaster?
When you need to defend yourself from Zombie Hoards, or save someone else from having their brain eaten, you need to have a Nerf Gun to pop them in the head with, preferably a shotgun styled Nerf Gun! The Nerf Zombie Strike Sledgefire Blaster is perfect for blasting Zombies with 3 Nerf Darts at a time, a real Nerf Dart shotgun spread, making headshots a breeze. With The Sledgefire, you need to load Nerf Shells, with 3 Nerf Darts each.
Once you have a Nerf Zombie Strike Sledgefire, you will never have to worry about accuracy again, just point and shoot, this is a shotgun styled Nerf Gun, designed to fire 3 Nerf Darts at once, its almost harder to miss! Break open The Sledgefire to prime and reload another fully loaded 3 Nerf Dart Shell to blast another target!
Blast away all Zombies or all your enemies with the shotgun style of The Nerf Zombie Strike Sledgefire Blaster.
How To Use:
- Insert 3 Nerf Darts Into Each Nerf Shell
- “Break” With The Button That Opens The Ammo Compartment
- Insert 1 Loaded Nerf Shell Into The Sledgefire / Close
- Aim At Your Target You Want To Blow Away
- Squeeze The Trigger To Blast 3 Nerf Darts In A True Shotgun Style
- Repeat 2-5 Until Shells Need To Be Reloaded
Pros Vs Cons

- Ammo Storage
- Unique Shells
- 3 Nerf Dart Blasting
- Reload Speed
- Shells Required
The Nerf Zombie Strike Sledgefire Blaster is unique with its 3 Nerf Dart holding shells that get stored in the stock when not in use. With The Sledgefire you get 3 shells, that’s 9 Nerf Darts total to fire at your target! When break open The Sledgefire to reload a new Nerf Shell, you are also priming The Sledgefire, insert a new Nerf Shell with 3 Nerf Darts to blast away your target!
When you have to reload a shell with 3 Nerf Darts then load it into The Sledgefire, that can take some time, making The Sledgefire impractical in a speed situations, but that is ultimately determined by practice. If you lose a 3 Nerf Dart holding shells, you can not fire The Nerf Sledgefire, make sure you keep your shells or add some more to your Nerf Ammo Locker incase you happen to lose any in Nerf Combat!
Who Is The Nerf Zombie Strike Sledgefire Blaster For?
The Nerf Zombie Strike Series is rated for ages 8+, however, I believe that if anyone under the age of 8 goes through proper safety and accuracy training, then they should be able to have Nerf Gun Fun as well! Parents, if you find it okay for your younger ones to use Nerf Guns, it is your responsibility to make sure they can fire safely and accurately!
If you need to save the day and prevent The Zombies from eating the innocent survivors you are protecting, then you will want to blast them with 3 Nerf Darts at the same time with The Nerf Zombie Strike Sledgefire Blaster to ensure you never miss a Zombie again. From blasting Zombies to blasting your neighbors, its hard to miss with 3 Nerf Darts in one shot! Hip fire is a breeze!
If you are looking to take a shotgun styled Nerf Gun into Nerf War with you, I recommend staying away from The Sledgefire. Its very slow to reload and very low ammo capacity. If you want to take a shotgun styled Nerf Gun into Nerf War with you, I recommend The TwinShock Or The Double Breach. However, practice with a Sledgefire can result in faster reloading, and you can have extra Nerf Shells, so it will ultimately depend on how many targets there are and if you have a good team!
Is The Nerf Zombie Strike Sledgefire Blaster Worth The Price?
Before I Make Any Purchase, I Have To Ask…
When it comes to killing Zombies, you have to have a Nerf Gun that blasts them with 3 Nerf Darts, all at once. You get 3 Nerf Shells that hold 3 Nerf Darts each, then each time you go to reload, you are also priming your Sledgefire to fire your next shell. Zombies don’t stand a chance!
There is really no target that can avoid all 3 Nerf Darts when they come flying all at once. The Sledgefire only comes with 3 Nerf Shells, but that is just enough to blast any target, if you have someone with you, make them reload your shells while you hold down the fort! If you need more shells, get more and more ammo! Overfill your ammo locker to make sure you never run out of ammo!
For the uniqueness, power, and low chance of missing, I think The Sledgefire is a great Nerf Gun to own and take out really anything with, just don’t use it in a Nerf War, unless you have an awesomely planned out attack!
I Say The Nerf Zombie Strike Sledgefire Blaster Is Worth The Price.
My Final Opinion Of The Nerf Zombie Strike Sledgefire Blaster
My final opinion of The Nerf Zombie Strike Sledgefire Blaster is that this is not a very practical Nerf Gun for tactical situations, but when it comes to holding your ground or blasting anything in your way, it works great for that. Defense is definitely a great place for a Nerf Zombie Strike Sledgefire. Defense from Zombies or any enemy that wants to take what you have! Its yours, make sure they know you are willing to protect it!
The Nerf Shells are very unique and only work with The Sledgefire, but you can lose them, making The Sledgefire no longer useable, so in the end, an awesome Nerf Gun but for killing Zombies and blasting your friends, not so much Nerf Wars without an attack plan of awesomeness!
My best recommendation with The Sledgefire is getting more Nerf Shells, make sure if you happen to lose one, you will have another shell ready to replace the lost one.
At A Final Glance … The Nerf Zombie Strike Sledgefire Blaster
Product: Nerf Zombie Strike Sledgefire Blaster
Ammo Capacity: 9 Nerf Darts
Best Attack Position: Pointblank
Overall Rating: 85 Out Of 100
When you have difficulty with accuracy, you just need to fire more Nerf Darts at once. When you are ready to fire 3 Nerf Darts at any target you want, from Zombies to siblings, Clicking The Nerf Zombie Strike Sledgefire Banner Above will bring you directly to where you can make your purchase of your Sledgefire! works with to make sure you find the Nerf Gun that fits your style of Nerf Combat then allows you to simply click a banner to be brought to where you can safely and securely make your purchase of your Nerf Sledgefire along with more Nerf Shells and ammo, fill that ammo locker!
Thanks for taking the time to check out my review on The Nerf Zombie Strike Sledgefire, there is really nothing that will want to be shot with 3 Nerf Darts at once, use that to your advantage!
What Are You Going To Shoot With 3 Nerf Darts With Your Sledgefire?
Leave Your Comments Below!
Founder Of
One of my favorite “toys” as an young adult… So this is a very cool, in-depth product review of the Nerf Zombie Strike Sledgefire Blaster. Its crazy how many different models they have made, but I personally would go for the Sledgefire as my secondary weapon and the Nerf N-Strike Elite HyperFire Blaster as my primary weapon if I were to go to Nerf war. Would be interesting to know what you would go for?
Hey Jared, The Nerf Zombie Strike Sledgefire Is Awesome, its also awesome to hear that you really like it, and have it in your line up already to get an edge on your enemy! Using the Sledgefire as a secondary is a bit odd, but you can learn a lot from observing others, I will give that a shot!
In my opinion, I think the way to go is power! I like either The Mega Mastodon as my Primary, or The Mega TwinShock, then for my secondary, I really love The Zombie Strike Hammershot, when you take two of them into battle, you really don’t even need the primary!
Get An Edge On Your Enemy!
Creator Of
Awesome review! This seems like so much fun if you were pretending to be in the Zombie Apocalypse and wanted to blast away your opponents. I think that shooting 3 Nerf Darts at once would have a really dramatic effect.
Quick question: Is this Nerf Gun large or is it small enough that I can use another one with it?
The Whole Nerf Zombie Strike Series gives you the awesome feeling of destroying Zombies and surviving an outbreak! The Nerf Sledgefire is not a huge Nerf Gun like The Mega Mastodon, but it makes for a great primary Nerf Gun then when you run out of loaded Nerf Shells to reload with, you can switch to a smaller Nerf secondary.
If you are looking to get a Nerf Gun from the Zombie Strike Series that is dual-wield I highly recommend getting two Nerf Zombie Strike Hammershots!
Thanks for the question!
Nerf Gun Fun For All!
Creator Of
Hi Bro,
I keep coming back to your site man, I simply have to force myself not to spend my paycheck on nothing but Nerf Guns.
Also, my co workers are getting worried since they have seen how big my cannons became.. 😉
What I was wondering with that one, do those shells fall apart mid air and have to be reassembled?
And also, how many shells does this blaster hold? You said 9, which means 3 x 3 or 9×3?
Thanks for your help again!
My Man Manny! You love Nerf Guns, I bet your co workers are becoming quite worried, worried they are going to be blasted from anywhere and worried they will have to pay for your lunch since your broke after buying all your Nerf Guns! Use your Nerf Guns to make them buy your lunch anyways! 😉
Anyways… The Nerf Zombie Strike Sledgefire holds Nerf Shells that you load 3 Nerf Darts into, you then take the Nerf Shell loaded with 3 Nerf Darts and insert it into your Sledgefire when you “Break” it open and prime it at the same time, when you squeeze the trigger to fire, you fire all 3 Nerf Darts out of your Nerf Shell then eject your Nerf Shell to load another. You never have to retrieve your shells, unless you drop them mid combat!
I hope that helped you out Manny! Don’t be too ruthless on your co workers… Ehh what am I saying?! Go Crazy!
Supreme Overlord Of
OMG where has this been all my life?!? I have kids and my friends have kids and we ALL have Nerf guns but none of us have THIS gun right here!!! where would we be if a Nerf zombie apocalypse broke out tomorrow? I will save this site to look forward to all the amazing reviews so I can keep up my Nerf game!
When you want to blast Zombies and make sure you hit your target, The Nerf Zombie Strike Sledgefire allows you to fire 3 Nerf Darts all with the single pull of the trigger, there is no Zombie that will withstand one of these blasts! It sounds like your group of friends is prepared for an all out Zombie Outbreak, but you can never be too prepared! Add a Sledgefire to your arsenal for even more firepower!
Nerf Gun Fun For All!
Creator Of
Nerf Guns are the gizmos that I have enjoyed in the past and it’s definetely a harmless ways to play real life shooters.
No matter what age you are, these are fun for all age groups!! And the best part of The Nerf Zombie Strike Sledgefire is that it’s able to fire 3 Nerf Darts at once!! The experience tripled!! Awesome!