Product: Nerf Zombie Strike ZED Squad Longshot CS-12 Blaster
Ammo Capacity: 12 Nerf Darts
Best Attack Position: Mid – Long Range
Overall Rating: 86 Out Of 100
What Is The Nerf Zombie Strike ZED Squad Longshot CS-12 Blaster?
The Nerf Zombie Strike ZED Squad Longshot CS-12 Blaster is a Zombie eliminating Nerf Gun that has a 12 Nerf Dart magazine that is very easy to load and shove into the bottom of The Longshot, an extendable stock that allows for more accurate shots and better aiming, and comes with a Nerf Long Range Targeting Scope. The further away from Zombies you are, the better your chances of not getting infected, hit them from a distance so you don’t need to switch to your secondary Nerf Gun, The Zombie Strike ZED Squad Clear Shot.
The Nerf Zombie Strike Series is by far one of my favorites when it comes to Nerf Guns that fire traditional Nerf Darts To Eliminate Zombies, The Nerf Rival Series and Nerf Mega Series will get the job done, but The Nerf Zombie Strike Series has its own unique way of hunting Zombies.
When it comes to killing Zombies, you are either just try to survive and use what you can find or you can get a Nerf Gun that was designed to eliminate the Zombie infestation. The Nerf Zombie Strike ZED Squad Longshot CS-12 Blaster was made for the Zombie Strike Task Force to stop the spread of a Zombie epidemic.
How To Use:
- Attach Scope Attachment (Or Don’t)
- Load 12 Nerf Darts Into The Magazine
- Insert Magazine Into The Longshot CS-12
- Pull/Return Side Lever To Prime
- Aim At The Target You Want To Pick Off
- Pull The Trigger To Fire 1 Nerf Dart At Your Target
- Repeat 4-6 Until Reload Required
Pros Vs Cons

- Ammo Capacity
- Extendable Stock
- Long Range Targeting Scope
- Design
- Jamming Issues
- Scope Issues
The Nerf Zombie Strike ZED Squad Longshot CS-12 Blaster holds and fires 12 Nerf Darts, you have the option to use the extendable stock, and the Long Range Targeting Scope, the scope is more of a cool looking feature. The design is also really awesome because it was made for The Zombie Strike Team to eliminate The Zombie problem!
On occasions, The Nerf Zombie Strike ZED Squad Longshot CS-12 Blaster will jam because the magazine doesn’t load the Nerf Dart fast enough, sometimes crushing the Nerf Dart, in that case, no matter the dart, it will jam. I recommend checking your magazine’s spring to ensure it will load the Nerf Dart properly. There are also a few cases where the long range targeting scope can fall off, that may be caused by improper placement.
Who Is The Nerf Zombie Strike ZED Squad Longshot CS-12 Blaster For?
Most Nerf Guns are rated for ages 8+, including The Nerf Zombie Strike Series, however, I am a firm believer, that if you can teach your younger ones to shoot safely and accurately, then there should be no issues. I always suggest the whole family get in on Nerf Gun Fun!
The Nerf Zombie Strike ZED Squad Longshot CS-12 Blaster was designed to take out Zombies from a distance to eradicate a Zombie infestation. If you are looking to join forces with your fellow Nerf Gun Advocates and take out the remaining Zombies left on Earth, then you will need The Nerf Zombie Strike ZED Squad Longshot CS-12 Blaster!
Now, if you are a competitive Nerf Warrior and you are looking to change up your Nerf Gun, or just looking to add another to your arsenal, you can never have too many Nerf Guns (If you take care of them), then you should be considering The Nerf Zombie Strike ZED Squad Longshot CS-12 Blaster. You do not have to be in direct line of fire with this Nerf Gun, you can hang out in the back and try to pick off your enemy, or run in. You get 12 shots… Make them count!
Is The Nerf Zombie Strike ZED Squad Longshot CS-12 Blaster Worth The Price?
Before I Actually Commit To Buying Anything, I Always Have To Ask…
Most of The Nerf Guns in the Zombie Strike Series appear like they are survivalist weapons, but The Nerf Zombie Strike ZED Squad Longshot CS-12 Blaster was built to eliminate the Zombie Epidemic, this one does not look like it was modified for survival, it looks like it was built to eliminate!
With The Nerf Zombie Strike ZED Squad Longshot CS-12 Blaster you get an easy to load magazine that comes with 12 of my favorite traditional Nerf Darts. I believe the Nerf Zombie Strike Nerf Darts to last a bit longer and get jammed less overall. Aside from the ammo capacity, The Nerf Zombie Strike ZED Squad Longshot CS-12 Blaster comes with a Long Range Targeting Scope that will help you pick off targets from further away!
Yes, I Say The Nerf Zombie Strike ZED Squad Longshot CS-12 Blaster Is Worth The Price!
My Final Opinion Of The Nerf Zombie Strike ZED Squad Longshot CS-12 Blaster
When it comes to Nerf Guns, I think they are some of the best entertainment that anyone can have fun with. The more people you have, the more fun you can have with Nerf Guns! Get the whole family in on it, Mom, Dad, Grandpa, Grandma, get the whole family at least one Nerf Gun and see how much fun can arise!
Alright, The Nerf Zombie Strike ZED Squad Longshot CS-12 Blaster is an awesome looking Nerf Gun that makes you feel like you are a soldier ready to go defend your ground against a Zombie hoard. You get to load up your magazine with 12 Nerf Zombie Strike Darts, slam the magazine into the blaster, pull the lever to load it and you are ready to take out some zombies, or really anything that you decide to put in your scope!
I love all Nerf Guns, but when you have one that is designed to kill Zombies, what is more fun than getting into that role and taking them out?!
At A Final Glance … The Nerf Zombie Strike ZED Squad Longshot CS-12 Blaster
Product: Nerf Zombie Strike ZED Squad Longshot CS-12 Blaster
Ammo Capacity: 12 Nerf Darts
Best Attack Position: Mid – Long Range
Overall Rating: 86 Out Of 100
When you are ready to own your very own Nerf Zombie Strike ZED Longshot to deal with your Zombie infestation, Clicking The Nerf Zombie Strike ZED Longshot CS-12 Banner Above will bring you directly to works with to make sure you find the Nerf Gun that will help you deal with your Zombie issue or any other issue you may be having then allow you to simply click a banner to be brought to where you can safely and securely make the purchase of your Nerf Zombie Strike ZED Longshot!
Thanks for taking the time to check out my review of The Nerf Zombie Strike ZED Squad Longshot CS-12, I love using this for Zombie eliminating, Dang Zombies just won’t leave me alone!
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