Product: Nerf Zombie Strike ZED Squad Clear Shot Blaster
Ammo Capacity: 1 Nerf Dart
Best Attack Position: Close To Mid Range
With Scope, Mid To Long Range (Covered)
Overall Rating: 79 Out Of 100
What Is The Nerf Zombie Strike ZED Squad Clear Shot Blaster?
The Nerf Zombie Strike ZED Squad Clear Shot Blaster is designed to be the secondary Nerf Gun to the Nerf Zombie Strike ZED Squad Long Shot CS-12, this combo is meant to eliminate all Zombies… Repeat, Eliminate All Zombies! Make sure you pop Zombies in the head to conserve ammo, this ZED Clear Shot only fires 1 Nerf Dart at a time.
The Nerf Zombie Strike ZED Squad Clear Shot Blaster is one of the only Pistol Styled Nerf Guns that comes with a scope and I think it really adds to the design and accuracy. If you are not a fan of the scope attachment, it is easily removed, you can add a different attachment if you like. Maybe a Nerf Missile Launcher?
When you are out to eliminate all Zombies, get your ZED Squad Long Shot and your ZED Squad Clear Shot together and make sure you have ammo! Always bring a lot of Ammo For Zombies Hunts!
How To Use:
- Attach Scope (Or Don’t)
- Insert 1 Nerf Dart Into The Clear Shot Barrel
- Pull Back On The Clear Shot Primer
- Aim For The Head
- Pull The Trigger To Eliminate One…
- Repeat
Pros Vs Cons

- Scope
- Easy Pull And Fire
- Combine With The ZED Squad Long Shot
- Scope Can Get In Way
- Only Fires 1 Dart At A Time
The Nerf Zombie Strike ZED Squad Clear Shot Blaster is awesome because it comes with a scope that helps you hit your target more accurately, an even better upgrade for more accuracy is Nerf AccuStrike Darts. The Clear Shot has quite an easy top pull back priming feature that allows for quick firing, just reload a new Nerf Dart with each shot. Practice will help your reload time!
When you combine The Nerf ZED Squad Long Shot with The Nerf Zed Squad Clear Shot, you end up with a Zombie Eliminating force that is unstoppable, even a great combo for Nerf Wars, just treat your enemy like you would Zombies.
The Nerf Zombie Strike ZED Squad Clear Shot Blaster’s scope can feel like it is getting in the way when you are pulling back on the pump. It is easily removed so this is not too much of a con. The biggest con would be the single firing rate, sometimes one at a time just isn’t enough. But that is why you use it with your ZED Longshot!
Who Is The Nerf Zombie Strike ZED Squad Clear Shot Blaster For?
The Nerf Zombie Strike Series is rated for ages 8 and up but I find that if you can safely teach your younger ones to shoot safely and accurately, I don’t see the problem. Parents, The ZED Clear Shot is a great single Nerf Dart firing Nerf Gun to teach your younger ones to fire accurately!
The Nerf Zombie Strike ZED Squad Clear Shot Blaster is a single fire Nerf Gun that is really a great first Nerf Gun for anyone. Pistol Style Nerf Guns can be used by your youngest to the oldest… grandparents? Could you imagine your Grandma and Grandpa firing at each other with a Clear Shot each?
When you can get a Nerf Gun in someone’s hand they will never want to give it back. When you get someone a Nerf Gun like the Clear Shot that only fires 1 Nerf Dart at a time, they will most likely look to add to their arsenal by getting a larger ammo capacity Nerf Gun to come at your with. Start them somewhere!
I wouldn’t recommend taking The Nerf Zombie Strike ZED Squad Clear Shot Blaster into a huge, competitive, Nerf War, simply because of the low firing capability, unless combined with an awesome primary Nerf Gun and you have plenty of cover!
I do recommend taking this in with you to eliminate the Zombie problem!
Is The Nerf Zombie Strike ZED Squad Clear Shot Blaster Worth The Price?
When I Buy Anything, I Always Ask Myself…
The Nerf Zombie Strike ZED Squad Clear Shot Blaster is a pretty sweet Nerf Gun. It has a cool Zombie survival design, it comes with a scope, its easy to fire, and its fun for the whole family. Well, I suppose it depends which side of The Clear Shot you are on, and who has which Nerf Guns!
The Nerf Zombie Strike ZED Squad Clear Shot Blaster was designed by the Zombie Strike Enforcement team whos job is to eliminate the Zombie problem. This is the secondary to the Nerf Zombie Strike ZED Squad Longshot CS-12 Blaster! So you know this is the real deal!
It ultimately comes down to your decision and what you plan to use The ZED Clear Shot for. If you plan to use it in A Huge Nerf War Competition, I do not recommend it. However, if you plan to use it to pick off Zombies 1 at a time with headshots or just around the house.
I Completely Think The Nerf Zombie Strike ZED Squad Clear Shot Blaster Is Worth The Price!
My Final Opinion Of The Nerf Zombie Strike ZED Squad Clear Shot Blaster
My final opinion on The Nerf Zombie Strike ZED Squad Clear Shot Blaster is this is an awesome looking Nerf Gun that should probably not be used in conflict with someone that has a larger ammo capacity Nerf Gun, unless you are one good shot! It only takes one perfectly placed Nerf Dart to eliminate your target!
I like the scope but if you don’t…. Take it off, it will work exactly the same. It might make it easier for you to pull back and fire. That is one awesome thing about tactical rails, you can have any attachment you want that will help you get an edge on your enemy, or none at all because you are just that good!
Eliminating Zombies is a must try with The ZED Clear Shot, secretly eliminating your enemy with 1 single Nerf Dart is also a must try, but practice will be the ultimate determination of how well you shoot!
At A Final Glance … The Nerf Zombie Strike ZED Squad Clear Shot Blaster
Product: Nerf Zombie Strike ZED Squad Clear Shot Blaster
Ammo Capacity: 1 Nerf Dart
Best Attack Position: Close To Mid Range
With Scope, Mid To Long Range (Covered)
Overall Rating: 79 Out Of 100
When you have had enough of Zombies hanging around your area and you want to exterminate them all, you need the Nerf Zombie Strike Duo for the job, The Nerf ZED Squad Longshot and The Nerf ZED Squad Clear Shot. When you are ready to purchase a Nerf ZED Clear Shot, Clicking The Nerf ZED Clear Shot Banner Above will bring you directly to where you will have the option of frustration free packaging or manufacture’s packaging. works with to make sure you find the Nerf Gun that will eliminate the Zombies you don’t want hanging around anymore and allow you to simply click a banner to be brought to where you can safely and securely purchase your ZED Clear Shot along with other deals, like ammo, try upgrading to Nerf AccuStrike Darts, and see what else you can find!
Thanks for checking out my review of The Nerf Zombie Strike ZED Squad Clear Shot, not only do you get to take 1 shot headshots on Zombies, but you can also fire from secret locations and eliminate anyone you want!
What Kind Of Shots Can You Take When You Only Have One Nerf Dart?
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